Boca Raton Forensic Accountant

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Forensic Accountant

Hire a Boca Raton Forensic Accountant

One of the most intricate processes of litigation a person, business, or other institution may experience is when they face legal charges that involve their accounting books or finances. Given the trend of past legal proceedings of this nature, it is nearly impossible to overcome without the assistance of a professional with expertise in the matter. The city of Boca Raton has, of course, had its fair share of these incidents and is no exception.

Cases and proceedings of this nature involve the services of a Boca Raton forensic accountant. A forensic accountant is generally considered a detective in his own field. This class of professionals investigates documents pertaining to information of financial nature in light of an ongoing legal case concerning the entity involved. Forensic accountants, however, do not necessarily have to always work on cases of legal nature.

It is a valid sentiment to question the relevance of such a professional relative to regular CPAs. However, forensic accountants perform inquisitive financial reading, and are well-versed in the patterns that comprise a financial reading of investigative capacity. Typically, a Boca Raton forensic accountant would differ in training and orientation from his regular CPA counterpart.

Cases Specifically Covered by Boca Raton Forensic Accountants

The trade of a forensic accountant involves a wide array of fields and services, such as the following:

  • In terms of criminal investigations, forensic accountants typically handle cases of financial crime, fraud, the allegedly misleading concealment of debt, money laundering, and embezzlement, among others. As with any other forensic professional, forensic accountants usually submit their findings as admissible evidence in a court proceeding, and may even testify in court as an expert witness.
  • Forensic accountants may also be involved in non-criminal investigations. Such activities include the analysis of the viability of particular investments. This is relevant in cases of venture capital investments, mergers and acquisitions, and other investment activities involving various financial instruments or other financial innovations.

In the general case, a well-trained Boca Raton forensic accountant will typically have experience or be trained in more than one of these aspects of the forensic accounting profession. This is to be expected as forensic accountants rarely specialize in a particular class of investigations, unlike securities analysts, for example, who usually specialize in an industry or a stock to be competent.

Forensic accounting services are never a simple matter. Gary Kaplan, CPA can help if you are in need of this expert service. We provide FREE initial consultation for clients. Give us a call today at 1 (866) 643 3560 and we will get back to you in 24 hours.

We provide a FREE initial consultation to every client. Give us a call at 1 (866) 643-3560 or fill out our FREE consultation form. We will contact you within 24 hours.